Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Put A Little Ginger In Your Step

My Medical Minute

Last summer my stomach went to war with me. I don't know what I ate but it turned into pure burning fire. I decided that I would hit this thing all out. I very carefully monitored everything that I ate. I fed myself only the things that I knew would not hurt me, water and vegetables, well maybe a little more than that. Then I turned to the internet and googled indigestion teas. One site had four options the first one was ginger and the second one was peppermint. Peppermint I was familiar with and had just forgotten about. Ginger on the other hand was new. I knew about it but had never used it. Thus began my ongoing research about ginger.

Ginger is not only a digestive aid it offers many benefits. It is not only used to treat headaches and common colds but it also pushes the testosterone levels up. It is said that flat ginger ale, crackers and ginger can work wonders. I prefer a cup of green tea with a half teaspoon of honey and about a third teaspoon of powdered ginger. The ginger settles to the bottom so when you get to the last quarter cup of tea it is helpful to swirl the liquid in the cup to get the ginger up and then drink it quickly to get the ginger in the system.

I do the ginger ale thing with a quarter inch of apple cider vinegar in a quarter cup of ginger ale. Ginger ale has 24 grams of carbohydrates per cup and this is about two tablespoons of sugar so I stick to a quarter cup of ale. But this is another story!

