Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Green Tea, Superhero or Villain?

My Medical Minute

I was cruising the net the other day and parked my net cruiser in a site on green tea. To my chagrin I discovered something about green tea that I had not known before. I am well aware of the benefits of green tea like its weight reduction capacity, its ability to reduce certain cancers and its massive antioxidant punch. I really didn't know that it had a downside.

Green tea contains fluoride and I was well aware of the evils of fluoride. Fluoride bonds easily and strongly to another element called aluminum. Aluminum is found in the brains of those who have succumbed to Alzheimer's disease. Therefore we should work very hard to keep both of these out of our bodies. Fluoride also displaces iodine in the body and iodine is the most important component in the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. Ever heard of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Google CFS and iodine for more information. So, do I throw out all my green tea or what?

I pondered the situation until I arrived at several conclusions. For years I have been very diligent to remove all aluminum sources from my kitchen. Basically I have replaced everything aluminum with stainless steel. In the shop and at work if aluminum is to be handled, the gloves go on. Even things like antiperspirants, read the label and if aluminum is on that label leave it right there on the shelf. Then I made another discovery.

Green tea comes from a small evergreen shrub called Camellia Sinensis. As a matter of fact, both white and black tea come from that same shrub. White tea has the least fluoride content and the older the green tea, the more fluoride content it has. So guess who's switching over to white tea? I am not throwing out my green tea, just using it less than before and adding white tea to my daily regimen. I am not afraid of fluoride as long as the aluminum sources are reduced to zero!

Secrets Revealed About The Benefits Of Organic Cooking HERE!

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